Dr. Kismullah, S.Pd., M.App.Ling.
Koordinator Program Studi

Dr. Kismullah, S.Pd., M.App.Ling. is currently the Coordinator for the English Department Undergraduate Study Program. He is also the Secretary for the Split Site Program ad hoc, overseeing the joint PhD degree program between Universitas Syiah Kuala and two universities in Malaysia (UM and UKM), and the joint master’s degree program between Universitas Syiah Kuala and The University of Rhode Island, USA.

Kismullah is a lecturer at the English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Syiah Kuala. He was officially appointed as a lecturer at the English Department in 2008. At the department, he has been assigned to teach several units including all the language skill units: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. He also teaches several linguistics units, his area of expertise, including Sociolinguistics, Advaced Linguistics in English Language Teaching, Critical Review on Applied Linguistics, and Semantics and Pragmatics. Kismullah teaches at both the postgraduate and undergraduate programs.

His current teaching includes Teaching Material Development (Postgraduate), Critical review on Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching (Postgraduate), English Semantics and Pragmatics (Undergraduate), Cross Cultural Understanding (Undergraduate), Interpretive Listening (Undergraduate), World Literature (Arts – Undergraduate), TOEFL Preparation (Undergraduate), Translation and Interpreting (Undergraduate), Business English (Postgraduate).

In 2004, Kismullah received his Bachelor Degree in English Education from Universitas Syiah Kuala. In 2007, he received the Graduate Diploma in TESOL from La Trobe University where 2008 he also received the Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics. Kismullah did his PhD at Deakin University and received the doctorate degree, Doctor of Philosophy, in 2018.

His research interest includes English teaching, classroom pedagogy, language change, Dialectology, literacy and education, English Literature, and studies in Applied Linguistics.

Kismullah lahir di Glumpang Tiga, Pidie tahun 1981 dan mulai mengabdi pada Unsyiah tahun 2002, dan resmi diangkat resmi menjadi staf pengajar pada Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP tahun 2008. Kismullah menempuh pendidikan jenjang sarjana di FKIP Bahasa Inggris Unsyiah dan selesai pada tahun 2004, dan melanjutkan ke jenjang S2 di La Trobe University dan selesai pada tahun 2008. Kismullah menyelesaikan pendidikan S3 di Deakin University, Melbourne (Burwood Campus), Australia dengan bidang konsentrasi sosiolinguistik dan dialektologi pada bulan Februari 2018.

