Dr. Muhammad Aulia, S.Pd., M.TESOL., M.A.

A doctoral educator who loves travelling across the world. Completing his degree at Deakin University in TESOL is inadequate to associate himself as a social-science researcher in Education. He then  collaborated with some experts at University of Sydney and University Technology of Sydney to hone his research skills with Master of Arts (by Research) about social research in general domains such as case study, survey, interviews, quick count as well as specific domains such as teachers’ language awareness, artificial intelligence in language metacognition, teaching methodology, language assessment, communication strategies, teachers’ behaviour and beliefs, and computer-assisted language learning.

He finally completed his Master’s research study about communication strategies of university lecturers from University of Technology Sydney in 2017. It was found that there were still many areas of improvement in the optimisation of communication strategies in providing high quality input and interaction in classroom.

With regard to his doctoral degree at Macquarie University, he focused on Intercultural Approach to English teaching and learning; a recently-renowned language teaching approach that promotes the development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes towards the target language’s cultures. The approach thus inculcates intercultural values such as open-mindedness, tolerance, peace and cooperative in a multilingual and multicultural context. 

He also advocates the heightened awareness of discourse building in public, which is hardly independent of power and ideological relations such as  public policy making in many aspects especially political and educational sciences.

Principally, his research’s worldview asserts that education is not seen simply as a series of capacity building activities; it is a cultural reflection of society that are local, specific, experientially and ecologically-constructed. Therefore, there needs an encompassing approach to enhance educational achievement with a holistic intervention on people, organisation, community involved in education. 

