Tgk. Maya Silviyanti, S.Pd., M.A.
Tengku Maya Silviyanti lahir di Banda Aceh tanggal 15 Mei 1980. Maya kuliah di jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Unsyiah untuk program S1 nya. Maya lulus S1 tahun 2003. Sejak sebelum lulusS1, Tahun 2007, Maya melanjutkan S2 pada Bidang Studi Educational Technology and TESOL di University of MAnchester, England. Maya merupakan staf pengajar di Fakultas KIP Unsyiah.
Tengku Maya SIlviyanti was born on Mei 15, 1980. She took English Department for her undergraduate and she graduated in 2003. in 2006, she received a Ford Foundation Scholarship and she pursued her Master’s degree in University of Manchester, England, majoring at Educational Technology and TESOL. Maya teaches at English Department, FKIP Unsyiah. Some of her subjects to teach are Teaching English to Young Learners, Literal Listening, Interpretive and Advanced Listening, Literal Reading, TOEFL, and Information and Communication Technology. Her research interests are English in Language Teaching, ICT use in English language teaching and students’ learning. She has published some of her works either in national or international journal. Beside, teaching at FKIP, Maya is a teaching staf at SMPIK Nurul Quran, Aceh Besar. She also run AlBayaan Centre “a place for everyone to study everything’.